Adaptive music asset in progress.... comments welcome!

I made a first try with adaptive music. The work is still in progress but the main composition is done and I recorded a short video to explain what you could do with my work:

basically, i have prepared 4 seamless and synchronized loops, representing 4 states:

  1. background (no bass / drum, only "ambient)
  2. state 1 (bass+drums)
  3. melody 1
  4. melody 2

You can crossfades between states, depending on the state of your gameplay.
I did not have any particular game in mind, but I feel the style of music is quite “dark” and could work with platforms, puzzle, scrollers, casual games, etc.

There are also an intro clip (to be played if you want at the beginning of the stage) and 2 “breaks” clips. The break clips are used to switch between one of the previous 4 states and a fifth one, in which the melody is transposed. This is used, e.g., to hurry up gameplay or to represent some final stage.

You can use the same break clip to go back to one of the previous states (1-4)

The music is still in progress. I have to compose a “win” and “defeat” clip to be used at the end of the stage.

Any comment or suggestion is welcome!
I’m not a programmer so I cannot help in how to handle the clips in unity, but in my mind the 4 loops are played in sync and you just crossfade them. handling the intro and break clips may be harder but I will tell you exaclty how to properly time them.

I hope you will find soon this pack in unity3d asset store…

Meanwhile don’t miss the other assets I have on sale! :slight_smile:

Master Audio is our audio plugin that can handle the crossfading / synchronization of the different layers. Link in signature. Cool music by the way!

Thanks! I can mention in my assets if you want! What about some cross promotion!? :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be cool :slight_smile:

The only thing I can think of to help you out is if you could send us maybe fairly short layered clips (create some stems instead of full mixes) that we can use in our demo scenes instead of the ones we have now? Let me know if you’d be interested.

i’m writing you!

Have you looked at the new audio system for Unity 5? I feel like you might be reinventing the wheel a little (although that may just be my limited understanding of this)

I hope you are not commenting my work! :slight_smile:
I’m not a programmer so i don’t know unity5 audio system…

I assume you’re asking me this question. Yes, I have and our plugin fully integrates with Unity 5 Audio Mixer functionality. Unity 5 audio is definitely a step up, but there are still a ton of things you’d have to code, but Master Audio does all that for you.

There’s a post about that here: Unity 5 is great! Do I still need Master Audio? Absolutely! | Dark Tonic Forum

I think I have finished the works. Now I have to pack the clips, make a demo, write down how I imagine it should be used and submit everything. But this will not happen before 1-2 week I think!!!

I hope to be able to post a zip demo soon, I just have to insert a watermark in each clip…

I think I have finished everything, so I have prepared a full working demo of the asset, download it here:

Inside there is also a doc explaining how you should use the clips.

The ZIP includes:

4x seamless and synchronized loops (100 BPM, 16 bars, about 38 seconds long), representing 4 states:

loop 1 - background (no bass / drum, only "ambient)
loop 2 - ambient drums
loop 3 - melody 1
loop 4 - melody 2
these can be crossfade to smoothly change between states. refer to the video demo to understand what I mean:

3x End clips (to end the previous loops)
1: End - single hit.wav
2: End - standard.wav
3: End - dissonant.wav

2x Transposed clips :
Loop 5 - melody 1 transposed.wav
Loop 6 - melody 2 transposed.wav

They are meant to be played when the game change state towards the end level / boss / near death / hurry up /etc.

3x Transposed end clips (to end the transposed loops)
1: End - single hit - transposed melody.wav
2: End - standard - transposed melody.wav
3: End - dissonant - transposed melody.wav

2x Break clips
to provide a smooth transition to the “transposed clips”

in the zip file you will find the complete wav files, ready to be used/looped. As this is a demo, the clips are watermarked.

I would like to have some feedback and ideas to complete and improve the work before the release. I think I will place on the asset store at 10$ but if you help me and give me your suggestions/comments I may also give the pack to you for free!

BTW, from what I have understood, the “Master Audio” plugin made by jerotas could be a wise solution to handle the wavs of this asset!

one last thing… if you have ideas about a new music style or genre for the next adaptive pack I may consider them, so let me know! :slight_smile:

I’m sorry for all those who dowloaded the demo.
there was a mistake in the link, my fault… the right one is is this one:

any hint on this?
I plan to submit it on next week, and also to begin to work on a new asset similar to this one but with a different genre/mood.

thanks! :slight_smile:

I started the video and thought “What the f*ck is this?!” and then realized that the alarms went off at the exact same moment as I clicked the video. Today in Switzerland is official Alarm testing day and I thought the alarams were in your music.

I finally submitted the asset for review…

The asset is online! :slight_smile: