If you create a simple project, bake adaptive light probes in a simple lighting setup, export the scene as assetbundle and try to load this bundle into another project, light probes are not working at all.
I have set “Probe Volume Disable Streaming Assets” option to true and my URP settings have AVP etc enabled as well.
So if I load the assetbundle, all the scene objects load but can’t see any probes if I use Rendering Debugger and no lighting effect on the objects as well.
In the assetbundle browser, I have checked that light settings, Baking sets and lightingData is being packed.
How are you building your asset bundles? Are you using addressables? There was a bugfix in 6000.0.20f1 that should have fixed this, but it may require you to do a (clean) rebuild of your bundles. For APV to work properly in bundles, it isn’t enough that the baking set is included. All the .bytes files next to the baking set must also go into the bundle.
Before the fix I mentioned, these wouldn’t get automatically included. After the fix, they should be getting automatically included in the bundle as dependencies as long as you have “Probe Volume Disable Streaming Assets” ticked when you build the bundle. If all else fails, you can try manually including these files into your bundle build as a workaround.
I am on Unity 6000.0.25f1 and I also tried upgrading it to 6000.0.26f1.
.byte files are still not being included by default in the assetbundle. I tried to add them manually in bundle by just creating a script to hold reference of them in bundle. Created bundle with .byte files in the assetbundle but still on loading the asset bundles. I can getting the same result. No APV.
May be I would need to link those files too with APV when loading asset bundle ? Is there a way to do that ?
However, this is a hack and really shouldn’t be necessary - it should be done automatically for you when you build the bundle. I haven’t been able to reproduce since the fix I mentioned. I’d urge you to file a bug report so we can get it fixed, I’m not sure what is different in your setup.
I tried linking bytes files to the bakery set but still APV are not loaded. I am getting the same results
To reproduce this on your side, I have created two new empty projects. Please download the attached projects. It has the issue reproduced in them already and I dont have any custom code in it.
EnvProject6: Project that countain a “Cube” scene that countains APV. I created assetbundle for this scene for testing. It has Probe Volume Disable Streaming Assets set true and also LightProbeSystem is set to APV in URP asset
EnvProject6: It also had a Loader scene with loader script. It you play the scene and run “LoadSceneFromBundle” func in script menu. It will load the scene.
EnvProject6: I noticed that If I load the assetbundle in the same project in which it was created, APV works fine.
“EnvLoader6”: This project I am using for loading the bundle. TestLoader scene in this project has the same script to load the bundle. Now when we load the bundle in this scene, APV are not loaded. Although CurrentBakerySet has the byte file attached. I added a breakpoint to see that.
I can also file this as bug report soon.
Would really appreciate quick response. I think we are very close to the root cause now.
I’m having the same Issue.
My project is different in that I am using Addressables Asset System with HDRP.
But I am building AssetBundle in the other project, which is the same.
Adaptive Probe Volume works fine in the AssetBundle of the same project, but not in the AssetBundle of the other project, and the Adaptive Probe Volume Component gives the following warning.
I’m able to reproduce, thanks for the details. I think I see the issue, there is some code relying on scene GUIDs, but scene GUIDs aren’t the same across different projects. Did you already submit a bug report?
After some brief investigation, it looks like this isn’t a simple fix unfortunately. There are several places in the implementation where we make the implicit assumption that the project used to build a bundle is the same that will load it. Something we should ideally fix regardless, though.
Hello, I hope you’re doing well.
I’m writing to let you know that I’m experiencing the same issue. Although the APV Volume built in Project A (along with the data you mentioned) is included in the Addressable bundle, the APV does not function properly when I load that bundle in Project B.
If possible, could you please let me know when this problem might be resolved? Thank you for your time and assistance.