Adaptove Probe Volumes, switching Scenarios -> loads incorrectly


Trying to setup day night cycle with 4 scenarios. In my case I just quickly blend from one to another over 5 frames.


            var probeRefVolume = ProbeReferenceVolume.instance;
            scenarioBlendFactor = 0.2f;
            probeRefVolume.BlendLightingScenario(scenario, scenarioBlendFactor);
            Debug.Log($"{probeRefVolume.lightingScenario} => {probeRefVolume.otherScenario}");

Each next frame:

            if (scenarioBlendFactor > 0f)
                scenarioBlendFactor += 0.2f;
                var probeRefVolume = ProbeReferenceVolume.instance;
                probeRefVolume.BlendLightingScenario(scenario, scenarioBlendFactor);
                if (scenarioBlendFactor > 1f)
                    scenarioBlendFactor = 0;
                    probeRefVolume.lightingScenario = scenario;

Problem is that sometimes the probes are loaded incorrectly. Wrong scenario? Mixed scenarios? Some probes from different one? It’s very visible during night, when it seems to use probes from day.

I start each game with different scenario, also the game (or editor) remembers last used scenario. It seems these combinations have effect on the bug. Sometimes it runs correctly, sometimes not. When the game loads incorrectly it stays corrupted, swapping scenarios doesn’t help.

I load my scene additively with another (no APVs) and try to setup APV explicitly (but doesn’t help)

            var probeRefVolume = ProbeReferenceVolume.instance;
            probeRefVolume.lightingScenario = scenario;

also tried to blend scenarios instead directly setting it.
Tried GPU streaming, no effect, so I turned it off.
Scenarios are baked with “Probe positions don’t recalculate”

Thanks for any help

HDRP 17.0.3, Unity 6.0.31

Got some screenshots of what the issue looks like?

Corrupted night AVPs (or scenario):
Interesting is that half of the scene has super bright probes (clearly visible), but on the left there are black, possibly correct probes (almost invisible)

Correctly loaded for comparison:

How I reproduce bug: I need to start the game (Ctrl+P from editor), in game set day scene and exit. Play again and change scenarios. Night one is corrupted. (maybe others also)

How I reproduce correct night: Start game from editor, change to night scene, exit. Then Play, swap scenarios and they seem correct.


I found this: When I run the game, only one scenario is correct (the one from which I exit last game), other 3 are corrupted, but only half of the scene, the bad half maybe keeps probes from the ‘correct’ scenario.

If you can reproduce consistently I suggest filing a bug report with your project attached, so we can investigate. I haven’t seen this issue before.