Add a mesh to a smoothing group in Unity

Well, another question that won’t be noticed comes from me. So, is there any way to add a mesh to a smoothing group in Unity? I’ve tried dointg this in fragMotion, but it won’t load the model and I don’t know any other ways to do this. Any help?

There is nothing like a “smoothing group”. Most modelling tools have “smoothing groups” which just control how the normals are generated. Unity is not a modelling tool. It works with raw mesh data. Unity can calculate normals on import and you can define a max surface angle which controls which normals will be sharp and which will be smooth.

Other than that you have to do the smoothing yourself. Either outside Untiy in a modelling tool (which is the normal case) or manually by script. Though creating smooth / sharp normals is not that trivial depending on how the source mesh looks like. Sharp edges requires split vertices while smooth normals may use shared vertices.