Add API to set test results path from C#

The Test Framework allows running tests from C# code. This approach is more flexible than starting the tests from the command line. However, one feature is missing. It doesn’t seem to be possible to change what path the tests should be saved to. On Windows, it defaults to AppData. Looking through the TestStarter and related classes, it looks like the only way to change this currently is the command-line argument.

A workaround is to implement the ICallbacks or ITestRunCallback interface and then create an XML file out of the results. This results in the tests being written twice, so a simple API to set the path would be preferable.

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To expand on this, I ended up having to transform the NUnit style XML results into JUnit style that is understood by GitLab. So maybe instead of allowing to change the results path, it may be more flexible to disable/override the default handling of test results.