add class value to list use the same class

I’d like to use list to made inventory.

Here my first script holding all my items…

public class Items {
	var Name : String;
	var Type : String;
	var Gameobjname: String;
	var Description : String;
	var Qty : int;
	var Weight : float;
	public function Items(nam : String, typ : String, gam : String, des : String, qt : int, wg : float){
	Name = nam;
	Type = typ;
	Gameobjname = gam;
	Description = des;
	Qty = qt;
	Weight = wg;

public class Createditems {

public var WaterItem : Items = new Items("Water", "Ressource", "None", "Unit of Water", 1, 0);
public var RockItem : Items = new Items("Rock", "Ressource", "None", "Unit of rock", 1, 0);
public var RawmetalItem : Items = new Items("Raw Metal", "Ressource", "None", "Unit of Raw Metal", 1, 0);
public var SandItem : Items = new Items("Sand", "Ressource", "None", "Unit of Sand", 1, 0);


public var RocketlaunchItem : Items = new Items("Rocket Launcher", "Turret", "None", "Rocket Launcher", 1, 0);
public var AntirocketlaunchItem : Items = new Items("Anti Rocket Launcher", "Turret", "None", "Anti Rocket Launcher", 1, 0);


public var RocketItem : Items = new Items("Rocket", "Ammo", "None", "Unit of Rocket", 1, 0);
public var AntirocketItem : Items = new Items("Anti Rocket", "Ammo", "None", "Unit of Anti Rocket", 1, 0);


But I can>t add those “items” to my inventory list…

import System.Collections.Generic;

var items : Createditems = new Createditems ();
var InvList : List.<Items> = new List.<Items>();

function Start () {
	Debug.Log(items.WaterItem.Name);  //Working
	InvList.add(items.WaterItem);  //Not working


I tried to fix this on many way but nothing work. Always show this kind of error: MissingMethodException: Method not found…

Please (pretty much always…) post the full error text. Is the “.” in List. expected in JS? Try “Add” not “add”