Add different tabs in RemoteConfig

It is rather annoying having tens of entries, maybe at some point hundreds, and not being able to add them in specific tabs.

Like a tab for store, where we configure everything store related.
Is this support ever coming?

Hey Alex!

Thanks for the feedback - we’re definitely interested in learning more about the issues you’re having to see if we can offer a solution or timeline for a fix.

When you mention tabs are you referring to the ability to “tag” or “group” keys together that are related?

I believe most users at this point logically group key updates together in JSON fields - for example having a “store” JSON field with all the relevant changes to the store - to keep things organised and reduce the spread of keys. That might not be suitable and if not I’m sure we can provide some guidance.



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In addition to a possible dashboard grouping implementation, if you’re interested, you can organize your RemoteConfig contents in file from the editor.

This can allow you to organize them in as many or as few JSON files as you’d like. Details on this can be found here: Remote-Config Authoring tool from the Editor - Officially Released!
and the packages documentation.

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