Add --dryrun option to "ucd.exe releases create"

I found that ucd.exe releases create sometimes does not work, for more details please see this post .

Having a --dryrun for the releases create command, similar to how you implemented it to entries sync command, would be beneficial for me.

I follow the “one bucket per platform per environment” approach as recommended here and now I’m in a situation where I want to ensure that all release commands work, before actually creating releases, to avoid that I release the android bucket and later fail to release the ios bucket.

The CLI steps would be like this (pseudo code)

if (call("ucd.exe releases create --dryrun --bucket androidBucketID") == failed)

if (call("ucd.exe releases create --dryrun --bucket iosBucketID") == failed)

// these calls would still check the return value, I left it out for simplicity in this example
call("ucd.exe releases create android");
call("ucd.exe releases create ios");

The --dryrun allows to reduce the risk that a sync command fails.

Any sign from Unity staff, that the feedback has been seen, would be appreciated.

Hi Peter,
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. One of our engineer is working on that feature as we speak. Will be in an upcoming release soon.

Thanks for using CCD, feedback is always welcome.

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Hi @Peter77 ,
As of today, version 0.10.3 of the CLI is available and it includes the releases create --dryrun.
Let us know if that helps you!

Thanks again for using CCD and your feedback.

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That’s great news! Thank you for the follow up.