Add dynamically texture to 3D Object


I have a folder in c:/Img/ with some images and i want to make them dynamically textures form my 3D Object.
I have this code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

public class ListImgs : MonoBehaviour {
	public Texture2D textureIs;

	GameObject MyCube;

	void Awake () {
				MyCube = GameObject.Find ("Cube2");
                            string image = "c:/Img/a.jpg";
	void Start () {

				textureIs = Resources.Load (image, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
				MyCube.renderer.material.mainTexture = textureIs;


And does not work for me.
It gives an empty cube.

What is the problem

Resources.Load only works on assets within the project’s Assets folder.
This thread has two examples of loading from outside your project’s assets.