How does one go about adding an external dll to unity, since unity is preventing me from installing nuget packages?
I’m really new to unity and it seems like much of the control I used to have with other engines, has been usurped by unity. I really don’t get this.
Unity has a different kind of Pipeline than other engines, but it still supports a majority of features that any other engine would also support.
External DLL importing is relatively straight forward, especially if that DLL is a .NET or Managed library.
If its a Managed Library, then this Unity Manual documentation should be what you need.
If its an Unmanaged or Native Library, such as a library in Native/C++, then this Unity Manual page should be what you need.
In short: the implementation in code is just as simple as any other .NET project. You just have to make sure that you’ve imported the DLL as an asset first!