Add force at position Question

I am currently working on a script for simple water buoyancy for a college project and I almost have everything working as I want it to, however after using Add force at position (which gives the exact effect I am after) To rotate around the X and Z axis they also seem to be affecting the Y axis rotation. I don’t know if this is un-expected behavior or not as I have never used Add force at position before, if it isn’t un-expected then how do I fix it, if it is un-expected, what is causing it?

The code below is what I have so far, it is applied to all Water objects and affects any object it comes into contact with that has a rigid-body after reading each objects variables from varass (posted below)


var colliders = new Array();

//Add/Remove any objects to the array that enter/leave the water
function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)

function OnTriggerExit (other : Collider)

function FixedUpdate()
	for(var hit in colliders)
			//Set the Various Stats, calculated and read from varass, to each object
			var waterLevel = transform.position.y;
			var floatStats = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent("varass") as varass;
			var floatForce = floatStats.bouyancy+((waterLevel-hit.transform.position.y)*5);
			var returnSpeedX=((floatStats.IXPos-hit.rigidbody.rotation.x));
			var returnSpeedZ=((floatStats.IZPos-hit.rigidbody.rotation.z));
			//Apply current and float force as well as 'righting' forces
			hit.rigidbody.AddForce (floatStats.xCurrent, floatForce, floatStats.zCurrent);
			hit.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(Vector3(returnSpeedX,0,0), Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z)); 
			hit.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(Vector3(0,0,returnSpeedZ), Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z));	


var bouyancy=50;
var IXPos=0;
var IYPos=0;
var IZPos=0;

Thanks, Tom.

(*) could your problem relate to using local not world positions (or vice versa)

(*) just FTR you are familiar with adding torque (rotational force) … sometimes this is relevant

(*) the behaviour you describe is certainly not unexpected. if you push it somewhere it’s very likely to swing around on all axis, not just flat

(*) are you familiar with veery simply clamping the object, look at the rigidbody in Inspector, you can “lock” rotation on various axes, try it out

Note that you can do that in code … you may need to clamp one axis in one situation, and a different axis at another time in a different situation

hope something here helps