Add force problem

So, i’m making flying physics for spaceship… What i want to do is when i hold W, i want the force to push me from it’s back, so when i rotate his nose to up, it’s gonna start pushing him up… Right now what i have is just pushing it forward no matter what rotation there is… How would i do this ? Here’s a photo that might explain it better:

Also, here’s a code i use to go forward:

SpaceShipTransform.gameObject.rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime * ForwardSpeed);

And this is the one i use to rotate the nose:

transform.RotateAround(transform.position, -transform.up, Time.deltaTime * PullSpeed);

Vector3.right is in world space and will always give the same result. You need to use local space : transform.right