Add layermask to DrawLine & DrawRay or something similar with visible Ray

I want to test my Ray but like all good rays, I need a layermask. Unfortunately, Unity does not add this option for their debugs for RayCast, DrawLine & DrawRay.

How can I find a work around for this?

I want to also be able to SEE my ray

Newer and little more advanced method for programmers watching their GC stats:
| debug visible raycasts | no GC Raycasts | no garbage raycasts |

Step A:
Create class ExtensionMethods.cs and/or Cast method in it:

using UnityEngine;

public static class ExtensionMethods {
	public static bool Cast ( this Ray thisRay , out RaycastHit hit , float range , int layermask ) {
		if( Physics.Raycast( thisRay , out hit , range , layermask ) ) {
			Debug.DrawLine( thisRay.origin , hit.point , , 1f );
			return true;
		else {
			Debug.DrawRay( thisRay.origin , thisRay.direction*range , Color.white , 1f );
			return false;


Step B:
Always see your raycasts from now on and be merry:

public class AnyClass : MonoBehaviour {
	void Update () {
		RaycastHit hit;
		Ray ray = new Ray( transform.position, transform.forward );
		ray.Cast( out hit , 10f , 1<<0 );


btw. since Cast method returns bool you can put it in if/else statement just like with Physics.Raycast calls before:

if( ray.Cast( out hit , 10f , 1<<0 ) ) {
else {
	//no hit