Add RBF Solver to animation rigging tool

Hi, RBF solver is useful to high end character rigging. Do you have any plan to add it?
The description is from braverabbit website.
RBF mode (Radial Basis Function) delivers the best way of interpolating an arbitrary number of values based on any number of poses. This way it’s possible to basically drive anything from anything. A common application for a RBF solver is the blending of corrective shapes or blend shapes in general. Especially when it comes to problematic areas like the shoulder, wrist or hip area. The RBF mode can easily blend between different corrective shapes based on the orientation of the joint.

Maya example video
Free Maya plugin

Free Houdini HDA

UE4 docs


I was looking into this as well, it’s definitely something I would need to use in the future.

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Yes we need this!

I agree, though perhaps it’s more related to the Mechanim team: corrective blendshapes It’s something you need for all animations in general, even the ones that come from another app. At least they should give the chance to import them from blender/maya. Without this the characters look pretty mediocre even after hours of skin weight painting.