i imported a pause menu system from here and i started to add my own features to it such as Fov,and more volume sliders but when i started to put the save features into it it got abit more complicated,I coded everything into fine with no errors but it just wont show up under the Main,Options,Credit buttons,I put it in the enum,added the function but it wont show up and i dont know why
here is the code either added or changed
enum Page {
function OnGUI () {
if (skin != null) {
GUI.skin = skin;
if (IsGamePaused()) {
GUI.color = statColor;
switch (currentPage) {
case Page.Main: PauseMenu(); break;
case Page.SaveandLoad: ShowSave(); break;
case Page.Options: ShowToolbar(); break;
case Page.Credits: ShowCredits(); break;
function ShowSave() {
//serialization code