Added key to timeliness for all elements now player won't move

Edit* timeline not timeliness… autocorrect

I woke up this morning after developing an animation for my character all night and now the player doesn’t move (walk). After much anger and frustration I remembered I added a key to the animation timeline for all elements of the animations because I needed to copy his state for other animation endings. Apparently and without my knowledge the positions you set in animation arn’t local to the character but are solid world coordinates. How do I fix this?

I know it’s the animation because I Disabled the animator and the player moves… I’m new to animating please help, the player moved with animations until I did this mess to it.

Got TIt! One new animation set the players Position and Collider, an animation that wasn’t even being played. I removed it and it works again! I wonder why that is?

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Are you doing character animations in Unity?


Okay. Unless you have some specific reason why you are doing that then it is not a great workflow. You should create the animation in another app like Maya, Max, Blender or some other animation package and export the character as an fbx for use in Unity. Unity’s animation tools are not great.

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