AddForce or changing velocity affects only the Y Axis

I’m trying to make a simple black hole force effect.

The problem is that when the BlackHole applies its force, it only effect the Y Axis, here’s my code:

PlayerMovement (1st), BlackHole (2nd):
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I know that changing the velocity or using Addforce in Attract() Method doesn’t affect the Velocity.X of the player because the velocity.X itselsf keeps changing (based on “move” variable) in the PlayerMovement's FixedUpdate.

I don’t know how to change my code so the player can move as it does, and at the same time get affected by the BlackHole’s physics on both Axis (X and Y) (when approching it)

I figured out what was the problem with my code.
In my code I directly change the velocity, and since AddForce() changes the velocity, it doesn’t have an impact, it doesn’t matter. Because no matter what happens, I override all physics forces / elements when I directly change the velocity.
In order to have a decent movement and still have forces effect my character, I was lucky to find this code that perfectly works:
In 2D I replaced rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange); with rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode2D.Impulse);