Adding a counter?

This script deducts health when my enemy collides with the player, Im wanting to make a timer or counter that decides when I take damage, In my last question I got told to do it like so

var attackTimer : float = 0.0;
var attackNow : float = 0.1; // 1 every 1/10 of a sec, or 10 every sec.

function Update()
    if ( attackTimer > attackNow )
       // deduct health
       // reset Timer
       attackTimer = 0.0;
    attackTimer += Time.deltaTime;

But im not sure how to implement it into this

var fullHealth : int = 100;
var curHealth : int = 100;

function OnCollisionEnter(collision: Collision) {

if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy");
  curHealth -= 10;

function Update () {

if(curHealth >= fullHealth){
    curHealth = fullHealth;

  if(curHealth <= 0){
    curHealth = 0;
    Debug.Log("You are Dead");

function OnGUI() {
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 40, 100, 20), "Health = "+curHealth);

If anyone could help me I would be very grateful, thanks.

var fullHealth : int = 100;
var curHealth : int = 100;

function OnCollisionEnter(collision: Collision) {   
	if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Player")
function OnCollisionExit(collision: Collision) {   
	if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Player")

function OnGUI() {
    GUI.Label (Rect (25, 40, 100, 20), "Health = "+curHealth);
function ReduceHealth(){

The idea is that when you enter you start the invoke that is calling the function every 1 second. The first parameter cannot be 0 (nor 0.0) or you will lose twice on the first call (bug).