Before a drag & drop of an object i am “trying” to save a copy of the GameObject in a List to preserve it’s position vs. it’s parent GameObject (that is dragged). I then want to compare the two.
I do the following:
I have a “On_TouchStart”, which register the first touch to the GameObject. In this function i save the GameObject into a List. During tests i have tested to first copy the original to another GameObject etc. That is what you see in the code below.
I then do the drag, use in the “selected_GameObject” only, not the one saved in the LIST.
At “On_DragEnd” i print the record in the actual LIST and the position i get is the end position, not the one the GameObject had when i added it to the LIST. I do NOT access the LIST in between.
Here is the result of the process (print) at “On_TouchStart”:
"GO at touch: HQB || TOUCH START POS: (-0.3, -2.2, 51.0)"
"LIST at touch: HQB || TOUCH START POS: (-0.3, -2.2, 51.0)"
Both is reflecting the starting position
Here is the result of the process (print) at “On_DragEnd”:
"selected_GameObject at END: HQB || TOUCH END POS: (3.2, 4.3, 51.0)"
"LIST at END: HQB || TOUCH END POS: (3.2, 4.3, 51.0)"
The position in the LIST has changed??
Here are extracts from the code:
//Catches object at first finger down
void On_TouchStart( Gesturegesture) {
if (fingerSelectionIsActive == false) { //If finger DrawSelection is active do not process
if (gesture.pickObject != null) {
temp_CardDeck_GameObject_List = DoTheLinecast();
if ( temp_CardDeck_GameObject_List.Count < 1 ) {
selected_GameObject = gesture.pickObject;
else {
selected_GameObject = temp_CardDeck_GameObject_List[0];
temp_CardDeck_GameObject_List.Clear ();
if ( templateMode ) {
firstPosTemplate_GameObject = selected_GameObject;
print ("GO at touch: " + firstPosTemplate_GameObject.tag + " || TOUCH START POS: " + firstPosTemplate_GameObject.transform.position);
print ("LIST at touch: " + SaveTemplateScript.theTemplateStaticDeck_GameObject_List[0].tag + " || TOUCH START POS: " + SaveTemplateScript.theTemplateStaticDeck_GameObject_List[0].transform.position);
Extract from the drag code, the LIST is never touched between “On_TouchStart” and “On_DragEnd”.
void On_DragEnd( Gesturegesture) {
if ( templateMode ) {
Singleton.Instance.master_GameObject_List = RefreshSortOrderAndZandPutObjectOnTop (Singleton.Instance.master_GameObject_List, selected_GameObject);
print ("selected_GameObject at END: " + selected_GameObject.tag + " || TOUCH END POS: " + selected_GameObject.transform.position);
print ("LIST at END: " + SaveTemplateScript.theTemplateStaticDeck_GameObject_List[0].tag + " || TOUCH END POS: " + SaveTemplateScript.theTemplateStaticDeck_GameObject_List[0].transform.position);
if (fingerSelectionIsActive == false) { //If fingerDrawSelection is active do not process
if (container_GameObject_List.Count == nrOfCardsInTheGame) {
float theX = container_GameObject_List[0].transform.position.x;
float theY = container_GameObject_List[0].transform.position.y;
//Save container x & y position to playerPrefs
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("deck_X", theX);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("deck_Y", theY);
EndMultiIconStatus(); //End without the need to click on icon
I have tested with a local LIST as well, gives the same result.