Hey all,
I currently having issues attaching materials to my particle system. I am trying to make a water effect, and would like to add a foamy texture to the particle system. The problem is that whenever I add a material to the particle system, it comes out very blocky (round particles are square in shape). I have been setting the Shader to Particle > Additive (soft), but I’ve tried other modes that don’t work either. Any help would be very appreciated!
When you imported the material, make sure that the texture you used was imported as GUI (or any other format that could make the background of your foam transparent). You can do this by going to the texture you used to make the material, clicking on it, and under the inspector selecting GUI (even though you’re not using it for that purpose) and hit apply. Also, make sure that in the texture image itself, that the background of the image is transparent in the first place.
P.S." Jpg and Pds image files support transparent backgrounds BTW.
P.P.S: If it does’t work then just forget I said anything, I’m a newbie anyway.