Adding a spawn location?

How can i set a location for this to spawn?

#pragma strict
var objectToSpawn : Transform;
var canRespawn = true; 

function Update ()

function SpawnObjects ()
    canRespawn = false;
    yield WaitForSeconds(1);
    Instantiate(objectToSpawn,gameObject.Find("SpawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
    canRespawn = true;

So if you want an object that is attached to the object - you were nearly right, but you use transform.FindChild() instead of GameObject.Find(). This code finds a direct child called SpawnPoint:

   Instantiate(objectToSpawn, transform.FindChild("SpawnPoint").position, Quaternion.identity);

Or you could actually create a spawn point variable and set it in the inspector:

    var spawnPoint : Transform;
   Instantiate(objectToSpawn, spawnPoint.position, Quaternion.identity);

You could declare a Vector3 spawnLocation in that class, or a Transform (it gives you a gizmos, easier to manipulate. You could have a gizmos with an editor script, but that’s a bit more work), or an array of Vector3 and a Random index, or an array of Transform. Or a radius and Random.insideUnitCircle. Or two Random.value for a rectangle.

All I got right now, but there is plenty of ways.