I have a scriptable object for an item and would like to add possible actions for the item when you right click it. Ideally, I would ike to add a list of abilities to the scriptable object but don’t know how I can serialize it to add them through the Inspector Also starting to think I’m going in the wrong direction completely.
Does anyone have any tips how to go about this? Another thought I had was to add all of the abilities to a dicitionary and reference the key on the scriptable object but not sure how to go about that at the moment.
Scriptable object:
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "ItemPickable", menuName = "Data/Items/ItemPickable")]
public class ItemPickableData : ScriptableObject
public string description;
public Sprite floorSprite;
public Vector2 floorSize;
public Sprite inventorySprite;
public Vector2Int inventorySize;
public Sprite storedSprite;
public Vector2 storedSize;
I have created an abstract class for Ability:
public abstract class Ability<T>
public abstract void Do();
And would like to add abilities such as:
public class Drop : Ability<GameObject>
public override void Do()
// Do
public class Eat : Ability<GameObject>
public override void Do()
// Do
public class Dig : Ability<GameObject>
public override void Do()
// Do
Adding the abilities to a dictionary and referencing them works but it feels a bit wrong and seems like it could easily mess up.
public static class AbilityList
public static readonly Dictionary<int, Ability> abilities = new Dictionary<int, Ability>()
{ 0, new PickUp() },
{ 1, new Drop() },
{ 2, new Dig() }
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "ItemPickable", menuName = "Data/Items/ItemPickable")]
public class ItemPickableData : ScriptableObject
public string description;
public Sprite floorSprite;
public Vector2 floorSize;
public Sprite inventorySprite;
public Vector2Int inventorySize;
public Sprite storedSprite;
public Vector2 storedSize;
public List<int> itemActions = new List<int>();
public void OnClick()
Debug.Log("Clicked on " + data.description);
foreach (int i in data.itemActions)
bool _bool = AbilityList.abilities.TryGetValue(i, out Ability ability);
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Eat Action", menuName = "Data/Actions/Eat")]
public class Eat : ScriptableObject
public void Do()
// Do
Debug.Log("Eat Up");
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Use Action", menuName = "Data/Actions/Use")]
public class Use : ScriptableObject
public void Do()
// Do
These no longer have the same Abillity base class, so I could reference it as a scriptableObject list but unsure how to call the function, as each one could have different functions. Sorry if I’m missing something and thanks for the help