Adding Android API level 22 to Unity project


I’ve been trying to search for solutions on the forums here but for the life of me I can’t find the answer.

Here is the problem I’m having: I’ve downloaded and installed the new Android SDK (5.1.1) using the Android SDK Manager (so far so good). However, when I open Unity (latest version 5.1.1) and I set my project to compile for Android I can see in the Build Settings (under the Minimum API Level dropdown) that the Android API level 22 is not shown. But when I open the Module Manager it shows the new android version under Playback engines.

How can I add the new API level to my projects? Without this my app can’t run on the latest android devices. I feel I’m missing something really fundamental here. Can someone point me to the right direction?

Thanks, Cris

Hi Cris,

I had the same problem. Do the following:

Edit → Project Settings → Player → Install Location: Automatic

After this setting I was able to Build&Run the apk on my device (5.1.1). I hope this will help you.
