Im making a fully animated character. I made a model in blender, rigged and animated it in mixamo. Downloaded it as usual to unity and everything worked.
I also need to create some custom animations by hand in blender and use them togerther with the ones from mixamo. Sounds simple, right? Nope.
I downloaded the rigged character in the recommended format (.dae), imported to blender and created a simple test animation. Then i imported it into unity as usual (tried both .blend and .fbx). Technically i should be able to use the animations i got from mixamo on the character i imported from blender with the handmade animations because its the same rig, right? Nope. There is a little problem, the rig structure from mixamo looks like this:
The structure from blender looks like this:
And because of that hierarchy difference (armature object) i get an error when i try to use the avatar from the blender import on the animatons: Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Transform hierarchy does not match: Transform ‘mixamorig_Hips_0’ for human bone ‘Hips’ not found.
Tried some things (naming it the same, …) but nothing worked, also, importing all the animations through blender is not practical as there are a lot of them (100+) and there will be probably more. Any ideas?
TLDR: Rig structure in unity is different from blender even tho they are both from the same mixamo rig. Any way to solve this?