I am making a game using the sample assets for Unity 4.6 and I added my own character model that has 2 swords, but when I add a collider to the swords, or to the character the Controller bugs, like floating while moving alone or staying crouched.
I am a begginer at unity so I dont understand most of the scripts code but for what I understand of the Third Person Character script it works with a capsule collider for multiple things but I cant seem to find the problem.
I would deeply apreciate if someone could help me with this issue or tell me how to prevent my swords from going inside my character.
Could it be that the character’s capsule collider is interacting with the swords’ colliders and that is causing it to bug out? You could try placing the two swords in their one layer (named “props” for example) and the character’s in another (named “player”) and setting up physics to they don’t interact with each other. Here’s the relevant section in the manual.
I´ve tried that but unfortunatly it didnt work,the character just keeps crouched when i enable the mesh collider on the the swords.