Adding button and/or drop down list to a custom editor

Hi guys,

I am currently learning about Extending the Editor in Unity and I’m curios as to how I might be able to create a drop down list that would allow me to add let’s say a string to a certain variable from another script. Then upon pressing Ok, the string is added.

Note that I work best with Javascript, but I was only able to extend the editor with C#.


There is the Example.js script with the following variable: var Text : String = “”;

Through the ExtendedWindow.cs script I would like to add the text in the text box(already managed this part) and select to which variable and/or script it should be added to.

Is this even possible?

I do not want you to write the code for me, just to explain it for a better understanding. I’m capable of figuring it out if I get the logic in it (just couldn’t find anything like this anywhere).


Given the following implementation of ExampleBehaviour

#pragma strict

var Text : String = '';

A custom editor can be defined using UnityScript as follows:

#pragma strict

// This is a custom editor for the example behaviour
class ExampleBehaviourEditor extends Editor {

    // We access the property using SerializedProperty to benefit from automatic
    // undo/redo support. This approach generally incurs less hassle :-)
    var textProp : SerializedProperty;

    function OnEnable() {
        // Find property from the object that is being edited
	    textProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("Text");

    function OnInspectorGUI() {
        // Update value of textProp from object

        // Your custom GUI!
        EditorGUILayout.TextArea(textProp.stringValue, GUILayout.Height(200));

        // Persist any changes that have been made to textProp and
        // add undo/redo steps when necessary


For a detailed explanation of this please refer to the following documentation: