Adding C# Component causing nullreferenceexception

I am very new to Unity which will probably be seen shortly within my code samples, however, I am having an issue which I cannot seem to get around.

As a quick overview, I am working with dynamic loading of asset bundles and then binding certain scripts to GameObjects within those asset bundles. The majority of my code is written in JavaScript to handle all of the grunt work of the game, then I have an orbiting script that is written in C#. This orbiting script will be bound to several of the Camera GameObjects within my asset bundle. When my asset bundle is loaded in, I will find those Cameras and bind said orbiting script using AddComponent in the snippet seen below:

for(var cameras : GameObject in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(GameObject)) {
    if("Camera_")) {
      var camera : GameObject = new GameObject("camera");

      camera.transform.parent = cameras.transform;

      (camera.GetComponent("SomeScript") as SomeScript).target = cameras.transform;

When I do this, and run my game I receive the error (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
SomeScript.Start () (at Assets/Standard Assets/SomeScript.cs:114) when the line [camera.AddComponent(“SomeScript”);] is called from the snippet above.
note: The SomeScript (orbiting script) is located in the Standard Assets folder to compile before my JavaScript file

Now, because this is a script from the Asset Store, I don’t want to place much of the code here, but here is a small snippet of what that line refers too (which I think is partially unrelated to my issue because it works when I attach it to a static GameObject that i’m not creating at runtime.

public class SomeScript : MonoBehaviour
    public SettingsGroup settings;

    void Start ()
        if (settings.vertical_mirror) mirror_y = 1

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I would be more than happy to provide any additional detail I may have forgotten or excluded.

So it turns out that it was an issue in my SomeScript.cs file that I needed to declare my variable groups using the new constructor like so:

public class SomeScript : MonoBehaviour
    public SettingsGroup settings = new SettingsGroup();
    void Start ()
        if (settings.vertical_mirror) mirror_y = 1

I hope this helps someone in the future.