I have a basic car set up in my scene with all that there is to it. Rigidbody, Collider, WheelColliders.
Now I add some item to this car as a child that has a Rigidbody set to be Kinematic and not use gravity and a Boxcollider.
However my car doesn’t drive normally when I do this this. When I add the child the car jerks around and drives slowly and steers badly. There are no collisions going on between the car and the item I added.
Is there any way to add this child rigidbody without the car behaving weirdly?
Added a video to explain better:
From what I could gather this is because I am adding the children with their box colliders to the rigidbody of the parent, which recalculates the center of mass and this messes up the physics even though I set the children to be non kinematic.