Adding double jump to physics platformer kit?

Hi Guys

Have been trying to figure this out for a long time, I can get my player to double jump however if I keep pressing space he keeps jumping forever I understand why this is happening however I want to have him only jump twice. I Have the following.

if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") && !grounded)

					Jump (dbljump);

Which is great, but how do i stop him being able to jump forever?

Here is the entire code: Would greatly appreciate your help.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

//handles player movement, utilising the CharacterMotor class
public class PlayerMove : MonoBehaviour 
	public Transform mainCam, floorChecks;		//main camera, and floorChecks object. FloorChecks are raycasted down from to check the player is grounded.
	public Animator animator;					//object with animation controller on, which you want to animate
	public AudioClip jumpSound;					//play when jumping
	public AudioClip landSound;					//play when landing on ground
	public float accel = 70f;					//acceleration/deceleration in air or on the ground
	public float airAccel = 18f;			
	public float decel = 7.6f;
	public float airDecel = 1.1f;
	[Range(0f, 5f)]
	public float rotateSpeed = 0.7f, airRotateSpeed = 0.4f;	//how fast to rotate on the ground, how fast to rotate in the air
	public float maxSpeed = 9;								//maximum speed of movement in X/Z axis
	public float slopeLimit = 40, slideAmount = 35;			//maximum angle of slopes you can walk on, how fast to slide down slopes you can't
	public float movingPlatformFriction = 7.7f;				//you'll need to tweak this to get the player to stay on moving platforms properly
	public Vector3 jumpForce =  new Vector3(0, 13, 0);	//normal jump force
	public Vector3 dbljump =  new Vector3(0, 13, 90);	//normal jump force
	public Vector3 secondJumpForce = new Vector3(0, 13, 0); //the force of a 2nd consecutive jump
	public Vector3 thirdJumpForce = new Vector3(0, 13, 0);	//the force of a 3rd consecutive jump
	public float jumpDelay = 0.1f;							//how fast you need to jump after hitting the ground, to do the next type of jump
	public float jumpLeniancy = 0.17f;						//how early before hitting the ground you can press jump, and still have it work
	public int onEnemyBounce;					
	private int onJump;
	private bool grounded;
	private Transform[] floorCheckers;
	private Quaternion screenMovementSpace;
	private float airPressTime, groundedCount, curAccel, curDecel, curRotateSpeed, slope;
	private Vector3 direction, moveDirection, screenMovementForward, screenMovementRight, movingObjSpeed;
	private CharacterMotor characterMotor;
	private EnemyAI enemyAI;
	private DealDamage dealDamage;

	void Awake()
		//create single floorcheck in centre of object, if none are assigned
			floorChecks = new GameObject().transform; = "FloorChecks";
			floorChecks.parent = transform;
			floorChecks.position = transform.position;
			GameObject check = new GameObject(); = "Check1";
			check.transform.parent = floorChecks;
			check.transform.position = transform.position;
			Debug.LogWarning("No 'floorChecks' assigned to PlayerMove script, so a single floorcheck has been created", floorChecks);
		//assign player tag if not already
		if(tag != "Player")
			tag = "Player";
			Debug.LogWarning ("PlayerMove script assigned to object without the tag 'Player', tag has been assigned automatically", transform);
		//usual setup
		mainCam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").transform;
		dealDamage = GetComponent<DealDamage>();
		characterMotor = GetComponent<CharacterMotor>();
		//gets child objects of floorcheckers, and puts them in an array
		//later these are used to raycast downward and see if we are on the ground
		floorCheckers = new Transform[floorChecks.childCount];
		for (int i=0; i < floorCheckers.Length; i++)
			floorCheckers *= floorChecks.GetChild(i);*
  • }*

  • //get state of player, values and input*

  • void Update()*

  • { *

  •  //handle jumping*
  •  JumpCalculations ();*
  •  //adjust movement values if we're in the air or on the ground*
  •  curAccel = (grounded) ? accel : airAccel;*
  •  curDecel = (grounded) ? decel : airDecel;*
  •  curRotateSpeed = (grounded) ? rotateSpeed : airRotateSpeed;*
  •  //get movement axis relative to camera*
  •  screenMovementSpace = Quaternion.Euler (0, mainCam.eulerAngles.y, 0);*

_ screenMovementForward = screenMovementSpace * Vector3.forward;_
_ screenMovementRight = screenMovementSpace * Vector3.right;_

  •  //get movement input, set direction to move in*
  •  float h = Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal");*
  •  float v = Input.GetAxisRaw ("Vertical");*

_ direction = (screenMovementForward * v) + (screenMovementRight * h);_

  •  moveDirection = transform.position + direction;*
  • }*

  • //apply correct player movement (fixedUpdate for physics calculations)*

  • void FixedUpdate()*

  • {*

  •  //are we grounded*
  •  grounded = IsGrounded ();*
  •  //move, rotate, manage speed*
  •  characterMotor.MoveTo (moveDirection, curAccel, 0.7f, true);*
  •  if (rotateSpeed != 0 && direction.magnitude != 0)*

_ characterMotor.RotateToDirection (moveDirection , curRotateSpeed * 5, true);_

  •  characterMotor.ManageSpeed (curDecel, maxSpeed + movingObjSpeed.magnitude, true);*
  •  //set animation values*
  •  if(animator)*
  •  {*
  •  	animator.SetFloat("DistanceToTarget", characterMotor.DistanceToTarget);*
  •  	animator.SetBool("Grounded", grounded);*
  •  	animator.SetFloat("YVelocity", rigidbody.velocity.y);*
  •  }*
  • }*

  • //prevents rigidbody from sliding down slight slopes (read notes in characterMotor class for more info on friction)*

  • void OnCollisionStay(Collision other)*

  • {*

  •  //only stop movement on slight slopes if we aren't being touched by anything else*
  •  if (other.collider.tag != "Untagged" || grounded == false)*
  •  	return;*
  •  //if no movement should be happening, stop player moving in Z/X axis*
  •  if(direction.magnitude == 0 && slope < slopeLimit && rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < 2)*
  •  {*
  •  	//it's usually not a good idea to alter a rigidbodies velocity every frame*
  •  	//but this is the cleanest way i could think of, and we have a lot of checks beforehand, so it shou*
  •  	rigidbody.velocity =;*
  •  }*
  • }*

  • //returns whether we are on the ground or not*

  • //also: bouncing on enemies, keeping player on moving platforms and slope checking*

  • private bool IsGrounded()*

  • {*

  •  //get distance to ground, from centre of collider (where floorcheckers should be)*
  •  float dist = collider.bounds.extents.y;*
  •  //check whats at players feet, at each floorcheckers position*
  •  foreach (Transform check in floorCheckers)*
  •  {*
  •  	RaycastHit hit;*
  •  	if(Physics.Raycast(check.position, Vector3.down, out hit, dist + 0.05f))*
  •  	{*
  •  		if(!hit.transform.collider.isTrigger)*
  •  		{*
  •  			//slope control*
  •  			slope = Vector3.Angle (hit.normal, Vector3.up);*
  •  			//slide down slopes*
  •  			if(slope > slopeLimit && hit.transform.tag != "Pushable")*
  •  			{*
  •  				Vector3 slide = new Vector3(0f, -slideAmount, 0f);*
  •  				rigidbody.AddForce (slide, ForceMode.Force);*
  •  			}*
  •  			//enemy bouncing*
  •  			if (hit.transform.tag == "Enemy" && rigidbody.velocity.y < 0)*
  •  			{*
  •  				enemyAI = hit.transform.GetComponent<EnemyAI>();*
  •  				enemyAI.BouncedOn();*
  •  				onEnemyBounce ++;*
  •  				dealDamage.Attack(hit.transform.gameObject, 1, 0f, 0f);*
  •  			}*
  •  			else*
  •  				onEnemyBounce = 0;*
  •  			//moving platforms*
  •  			if (hit.transform.tag == "MovingPlatform" || hit.transform.tag == "Pushable")*
  •  			{*
  •  				movingObjSpeed = hit.transform.rigidbody.velocity;*
  •  				movingObjSpeed.y = 0f;*
  •  				//9.5f is a magic number, if youre not moving properly on platforms, experiment with this number*

_ rigidbody.AddForce(movingObjSpeed * movingPlatformFriction * Time.fixedDeltaTime, ForceMode.VelocityChange);_

  •  			}*
  •  			else*
  •  			{*
  •  				movingObjSpeed =;*
  •  			}*
  •  			//yes our feet are on something*
  •  			return true;*
  •  		}*
  •  	}*
  •  }*
  •  movingObjSpeed =;*
  •  //no none of the floorchecks hit anything, we must be in the air (or water)*
  •  return false;*
  • }*

  • //jumping*

  • private void JumpCalculations()*

  • {*

  •  //keep how long we have been on the ground*
  •  groundedCount = (grounded) ? groundedCount += Time.deltaTime : 0f;*
  •  //play landing sound*
  •  if(groundedCount < 0.25 && groundedCount != 0 && !audio.isPlaying && landSound && rigidbody.velocity.y < 1)*
  •  {*
  •  	audio.volume = Mathf.Abs(rigidbody.velocity.y)/40;*
  •  	audio.clip = landSound;*
  •  	audio.Play ();*
  •  }*
  •  //if we press jump in the air, save the time*
  •  if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") && !grounded)*
  •  				Jump (dbljump);*
  •  //if were on ground within slope limit*
  •  if (grounded && slope < slopeLimit)*
  •  {*
  •  	//and we press jump, or we pressed jump justt before hitting the ground*
  •  	if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") || airPressTime + jumpLeniancy > Time.time)*
  •  	{	*
  •  		//increment our jump type if we haven't been on the ground for long*
  •  		onJump = (groundedCount < jumpDelay) ? Mathf.Min(2, onJump + 1) : 0;*
  •  		//execute the correct jump (like in mario64, jumping 3 times quickly will do higher jumps)*
  •  		if (onJump == 0)*
  •  				Jump (jumpForce);*
  •  		else if (onJump == 1)*
  •  				Jump (secondJumpForce);*
  •  		else if (onJump == 2)*
  •  				Jump (thirdJumpForce);*
  •  	}*
  •  }*
  • }*

  • //push player at jump force*

  • public void Jump(Vector3 jumpVelocity)*

  • {*

  •  if(jumpSound)*
  •  {*
  •  	audio.volume = 1;*
  •  	audio.clip = jumpSound;*
  •  	audio.Play ();*
  •  }*
  •  rigidbody.velocity = new Vector3(rigidbody.velocity.x, 0f, rigidbody.velocity.z);*
  •  rigidbody.AddRelativeForce (jumpVelocity, ForceMode.Impulse);*
  •  airPressTime = 0f;*
  • }*

Perhaps the code for limiting the amount of button downs to 2 which resets every time player is grounded?

Attach this to your player.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class DoubleJumpEnabler : MonoBehaviour {

//This will be used to only allow the double jump if it's before highest jump point. Or not, you choose!
public bool CanAfterHighestJumpPoint=true;

//We'll use this to communicate with the playerMove.
private PlayerMove playerMove;

//This is to keep track if we have double jumped already or if we can double jump      
private bool CanDoubleJump = true;
//In case of us wanting to only double jump if we're still going up on our jump, we need to store the last Y position.
private float LastY;
//We'll pick the grounded bool from the Animator and store here to know if we're grounded.
private bool GroundedBool;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	//Pick the Player Move component
	playerMove = GetComponent<PlayerMove>();

// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
	//If we receive a jump button down, we're not grounded and we can double jump...
	if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") && !GroundedBool && CanDoubleJump) {
		//Do a jump with the first jump force! :D
		playerMove.Jump (playerMove.jumpForce);
		//And lets set the double jump to false!

//This is an udpate that is called less frequently
void FixedUpdate () {
	//Let's pick the Grounded Bool from the animator, since the player grounded bool is private and we can't get it directly..
	GroundedBool = playerMove.animator.GetBool("Grounded");
	//If I can't double jump...
	if(!CanDoubleJump) {
		//But I'm grounded
			//Then I should turn my Double Jump to on because I can certainly double jump again.
	//If shouldn't be able to double jump after reaching the highest jump point, we'll need this part of the code
	if(!CanAfterHighestJumpPoint) {
		//If i'm not grounded
			//If my current Y position is less than my Previously recorded Y position, then I'm going down
			if(gameObject.transform.position.y<LastY) {
				//So, I'm going down, I shouldn't be able to double jump anymore.
			//Anyways, lets record the LastY position for a check later.
