Adding Humanoids to Unity

Hi, so I’m fairly new to game programming, but I have been working on this project for a little while and it is starting to look a little dull without any other people characters in it. Sure, I can maybe find and download one from the assest store, but that’s one out of a hundred people I want, plus it is already pre made and most don’t really match the theme of my game. I could also start from scratch in blender, but that seems impossible to sculpt.

My question is where do you guys get your humanoid characters from and how do you make them? Thank you for reading this it means a lot!!!

Note: I also recently dowloaded Fuse CC (I think that is what it’s called), but I am looking for medeival styled clothing that it does not have. Is there a way I could get medeival clothing and import it into Fuse? Thanks again!

It’s not for everyone, and maybe not someone new to Unity, but there’s a free character customization package called UMA (you’ll need UMA2 + UMA PBR to get started) that you could experiment with. It works well with Blender, which you can use to make your own clothing (there’s a video tutorial on this), or you can buy medieval clothing for UMA in the asset store.

UMA’s been out since late 2013, and it’s had a few updates in that time, so when shopping for add-ons be sure to research and make sure you aren’t picking up something that’s old, unsupported, etc. In fact, there is a great new update expected for UMA in the coming weeks, and it’s going to help with using UMA in conjunction with asset bundles, networking, and a few other things.

Since you’re looking for medieval clothing, be sure to check out the free UMA version of the Challenger attire.


Thank you so much! That looks like exactly what I want. I appreciate all the links too!!! I’ll check it out and let you know how everything goes. :smile:

Okay, so I downloaded both UMA 2 and UMA PBR. I’ve messed around with the randomly generated characters and all, but is there a way that I can save a character I have made and put it in a difference scene or project? The tutorials that I have watched don’t really “save” the characters they make. Thanks for all your help!

UMA characters are saved as recipes. This is a very compact way of storing characters, and it makes them easy to send over network, too. I’m not able to look at it right now myself, but if I recall correctly you can find options in the drop down menus at the top of the Unity editor screen, probably under Tools, to save and load selected UMAs.

The videos from Secret Anorak talk a little about that, as well as accessing UMA from C#.