Adding image to Material in Unity

I am currently trying to add an image to the pages of an open book. The image is a series of squares on a white background, and I am currently trying to put it onto an material and replace the white material of the page with the image. However, it only ever uses one color at a time from the image. I think that I understand this is due to the lack of a UV map that tells Unity how to render this image appropriately.

My question is how would you create a workflow to do this repeatably? I think the method that I could eventually get to work is through editing it in Blender, but I have little experience with it and would like to have a Unity only way of getting to the end result.
Thank you in advance.

You can’t really work around UVs (aka texture coordinates) in most cases. Any 3D object needs to know how a 2D image should be applied to it, this 3D to 2D mapping is what the UVs are for.

UVs are required/used in all 3D software, not just an Unity thing. Your best bet is to UV-unwrap your object in Blender and export it to Unity with proper texture coordinates.