Adding line breaks when the text is bigger?

In my game i have a text files that contains Question and Answers of different categories. I have stored it in an XML file and displayed the questions and options based on current string length.
Below is the code i used:

GUILayout.Label(m_ReadTextXML.m_question,new GUILayoutOption[{GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true),GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)});
GUI.contentColor =;
m_optLen = GUIContent(m_ReadTextXML.m_option1));
GUILayout.Button(m_ReadTextXML.m_option1,m_guiTxtFnt.button, GUILayout.Width(m_optLen.x*1.15f),GUILayout.Height(m_optLen.y*1.5f));

I have both normal and match the following type. In match type questions have text that should me matched with images.Have displayed it in row wise. In some questions text length is too bigger that overlaps with the images.
Help me to add line breaks for such texts.
Thanks in advance.

Use word wrap in GUI Skin .

Check this post


Or You can use custom function to do word wrapping
This 1 will help you for that