How is it possible to add more torque to an object in short bursts, increasing the value does nothing and changing the max angular velocity doesn’t work either. I’ve already increased the max angular velocity but what I need is for when the player presses a button they’ll move faster, as I’ve already stated trying to increase the max angular velocity in code doesn’t work and you would have to speed up other objects’ angular velocity. I’m just asking for an explanation, not code or anything.
Well, you’re right about the maximum angular velocity.
You should definately raise that value if you want stuff to rotate faster.
The next important thing you should know it the way you apply the force.
When you use AddTorque, this is indeed a force that needs to build up, but you can also pass a ForceMode parameter.
You should test some stuff with:
rigidbody.AddTorque(100, 0, 0, ForceMode.Impulse);
When you’re only applying the torque once, and not every frame, you don’t have to take Time.deltaTime in account, because the framerate doesn’t matter for an impulse force.