Adding random noise to a direction vector

Hi guys, this should be a simple one:
I have defined this direction vector:

(vector3) direction = targetVector - transform.position;

Now, how would one add a random noise to this direction, expressed as min and max ANGLES?
Should I convert this vector to an angle in degrees, add the noise and then back to normalized vector?

Thank you for the assist!

To further illustrate what is meant to be done here, here is an example.
A bullet from a high speed, low accuracy machine gun is being fired. The base direction is 100% accurate, but in order to reflect the low accuracy of each projectile a randomization of their direction is needed.

Currently, the projectiles are moving using:

transform.position += direction * projetileSpeed;

What is needed in this case is a way to add a specific angular modifier to the direction vector.

Maybe to that targetVector, you could add in a small amount of X and Y, in order to make it slightly deviate?

For instance:

targetVector += transform.up * Random.Range(-randAmt, randAmt) + transform.right * Random.Range(-randAmt, randAmt);

With randAmt being a float value that you can set.

So i guess you want something like this, right. I just added the C# translation. You can simply do

dir = GetPointOnUnitSphereCap(dir, 10f);

This will add randomly up to 10° variation to the given direction.

Use this function:

direction += AddNoiseOnAngle (0, 30);


Vector3 AddNoiseOnAngle ( float min, float max)  {
 // Find random angle between min & max inclusive
 float xNoise = Random.Range (min, max);
 float yNoise = Random.Range (min, max);
 float zNoise = Random.Range (min, max);

// Convert Angle to Vector3
 Vector3 noise = new Vector3 ( 
   Mathf.Sin (2 * Mathf.Pi * xNoise /360), 
   Mathf.Sin (2 * Mathf.Pi * yNoise /360), 
   Mathf.Sin (2 * Mathf.Pi * zNoise /360)
   return noise;

This will return a Vector3 whos values are between -1 and 1 inclusive.

Thank you for the function. I implemented as follows:
(for some reason I could not use Mathf.Pi).

Vector3 AddNoiseOnAngle ( float min, float max)  {
	float xNoise = Random.Range (min, max);
	float yNoise = Random.Range (min, max);
	float zNoise = 0;

	// Now get the angle between w.r.t. a vector 3 direction
	Vector3 noise = new Vector3 (
		Mathf.Sin (2f * 3.1415926f * xNoise / 360), 
		Mathf.Sin (2f * 3.1415926f * yNoise / 360), 
	return noise;


At a first glance this appears to work, but the output angles do not seem to be proportionally related to the noise factor added - adding 30 or 3000 yields pretty much the same result (and the deviation never appears to be greater than 45 degrees).

PI not Pi

Unity contains Mathf.PerlinNoise.