Adding script to prefab problem

Im creating a number of birds in my scene and then im attaching ‘bird’ script to them, the problem is, that everytime I run the game, the script is added to the prefab again, is there anyway to stop a huge build up of scripts being added to the prefab?

var prefab : GameObject;
var numberOfBirds :int;
var i : int;
function Start () {
	//Create a target for the birds.
	//Create Birds.
	while( i < numberOfBirds) {
var position = Vector3(Random.Range(-10, 100), 3, Random.Range(-10, 100));
Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity);

prefab.AddComponent ("bird");


Don’t add the component to the prefab, add it to each instance of the prefab.

var tGO = Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity);

Alternatively, you can use code to see if the prefab has the component attached, and only attach it if it's not already there. But if you're adding it to the prefab then why not do that in authoring ahead of time?