Adding texture to a Button

I’m trying to create a Button with a texture of png type but somehow a variable that should reference my image has a null value. In unity it’s assigned to, so I have no idea what’s wrong. Here comes the code and a screen of an image properties:

public var image:Texture2D;

public class BuildingsPanel extends PanelState{   
	private var _icons:Array;  
	private var _buildings:Array; 

	public function BuildingsPanel(name:String, panel:Panel){
		super(panel, name);
   		var i:int = 0;
		var n:int = 0;
		_icons = new Array(12);
		_buildings = new Array(12);
		while(i < 3){
			while(n < 4){
				_icons[i*4+n] = Rect(50.0*n, i*50.0, 50.0, 50.0);
				_buildings[i*4+n] = new UnitPanel("UnitPanel", _panel);
			n = 0;

	//main methods
	public function changeState(){
		_panel.setState(new UnitPanel("UnitPanel", _panel));

	public function draw(){
		var i:int = 0;
			GUI.Box(_currentBox, _name);
   			while(i < 12){
				if(GUI.Button(_icons*, image)){*

Are you sure the error comes from image ? Have you tried something like print(image) if it gave you null ? It might comes from the array _icons, maybe you don’t call the proper constructor.