Adding texture to cube


I am working on a 3D side-scroller metroidvania using a 2d dungeon asset from the asset store, my current workflow is:

  1. Create new material and add sprite as albedo map
  2. Create cube and add new material
  3. Create prefab from cube
  4. Rinse and repeat

As there are hundreds of tiles in the set I am looking for a way to automate all or part of this - any suggestions would be welcome.

All of that can be done in code, if you want to automate it. Best place to start would be the Unity Script Reference. Start with looking up the components you are using, and see what functions and properties it exposes, and start writing a script to manage the process. If you run into any trouble, post a new question with your code, and we’ll be happy to help. You might also check out the Learn section of this site. It has a bunch of really great tutorials.