Adding to empty String[]

I want to use EditorPrefsX to store my string array (which means it must be a String, not a normal Array that has the push/add function). I have everything working thus far (so I think), except adding stuff to String's when originally, it’s empty and I have no clue what will be placed in as a string.
I’m beginning to think this is impossible for that reason.
So the question is: is there any sort of work around for this, such as converting a normal Array to a String?
(A constructor was ran, but I won’t know the size of the array)

(Using JavaScript)

Managed to do this to myself again.
I managed to figure out how to do it after 4 hours of tinkering. Lovely me, learning is occurring!
The fix was just the logic I had and some cool stuff regarding the constructor and array.

var i = 0;

Answers = new String[1+i];


  • Debug.Log(AnswersTemp[0]);*
  • Debug.Log(AnswersTemp[1]);*
    _ Debug.Log(AnswersTemp*);_

Answers = AnswersTemp;
for(var z = 0; z<Answers.Length; z++)
* Debug.Log(Answers[z]);*

//Debugs placed for checking values
This was quite the experience.

I’m used to programming in C#, not Javascript. But according to the docs. You can convert it like this.

(Copied from the docs)

Normal Javascript Arrays on the other hand can be resized, sorted and can do all other operations you would expect from an array class. Javascript Arrays do not show up in the inspector. You can easily convert between Javascript Arrays and builtin arrays.

function Start () {
    var array = new Array (Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 1));
    array.Push(Vector3(0, 0, 2));
    array.Push(Vector3(0, 0, 3));
    // Copy the js array into a builtin array
    var builtinArray : Vector3[] = array.ToBuiltin(Vector3) as Vector3[];
    // Assign the builtin array to a js Array
    var newarr = new Array (builtinArray);
    // newarr contains the same elements as array
    print (newarr);