Adding To The Space Shooter Tutorial Help

I’m trying to add onto the space shooter unity tutorial by adding a new script that would make the lazer seek out and destroy the asteroid. I’m new to unity and scripting in general, and I’m curious how I would go about scripting this?

Essentially I want to create a heat seeking missile.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The more experienced people here haven’t looked at the tutorials in years, so don’t know what exactly you want. Anyone who just picked up Unity and did that tutorial probably isn’t experienced enough or confident enough to answer. So I’d ask a more specific question that doesn’t require knowledge of how that tutorial works.

Honestly, my best suggestion would be to keep following some easy/early tutorials for scripting and Unity, and practicing.
You will gain a lot of familiarity, comfort, and knowledge.

I completely agree that trying to modify a tutorial is great, but perhaps take smaller strides when implementing new things, as you are just beginning and work your way up. *Whether this is a small stride or not, I’m not sure, but I think my main point is to keep learning and trying.

Casting a box of a certain size “upwards” from the ship, a certain distance looking for the asteroid layer (maybe?) and using the hit.transform as a target; if one isn’t found the missile flies straight as usual, otherwise moves to intercept/collide.