Adding User Attributes like


I was a little bit disappointed to see that there isn’t really much information out of the box being used relating to platform, deviceModel, os, Application.absoluteURL etc.

It doesn’t really make sense to me to have to consume Custom Event Points for this information which should be provided by the SDK.

Is there any plan to provide more useful business information? especially for a platform like web, where traffic coming from several different game portals could make for important business decisions.

Hi @hyperhippo !

Thanks for your feedback - we agree that this would be useful information to have. Is there a specific way that you would like to analyze this data? Would a chart showing a distribution of deviceModel, os, etc… be sufficient?

+1 for this.

We are using a custom event to fetch a few basic information about the device.

This would be awesome and I think is essential. +1

Ya, GameAnalytics allows you to add a “filter” to any metric they track.

Here’s an example screenshot of their DAU chart…

and here’s an example of their DAU filtered by what they call “Acquisition Site” which relates to the Application.absoluteUrl from Unity WebPlayer…

it might be difficult to read, but it changes the x-axis measurement to be broken down by Site.

and the green buttons allow you to change how the data is viewed… Here is the same data in a bar graph.

By default all of their graphs show a comparison period (you can see it at the top left corner where it lists two dates). The dark blue data in all these graphs is the top date range (in this case Mar 9 - Apr 8, 2015) and the light blue bar is the comparison period (which is customizable but defaults to 30 days in the past) shown as Feb 2 - Mar 4, 2015.

This is what allows them to show you month to month a change up or down across whatever comparison period you set.

You can add more metrics to each chart like Unity Analytics already has, but these are the default supplied ones and they are extremely intuitive to navigate and use.

Now my gripe with GameAnalytics is in their size as a company, level of support/service and some technical irregularities/anomolies with their data processing. Their SDK technically is still a beta version (currently 0.6.9) and any events sent to their api before a NewUser event which could be sent at a later time during session, tracks all user related data as “null” as you can see in my screenshots above. Once those users send a NewUser event, any future events will have the correct data applied to them, but their system doesn’t retroactively go back to any events from “null” and fix their data, so that data is essentially still recorded, but unclear as to the meaning of it to a business.

TLDR; Hopefully this helps, like i said, I like the tools that GameAnalytics is using, they are great for a small studio, but they are a small company without the resources of Unity to make something really solid with a great level of support as a professional service.

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Thanks for the visuals @hyperhippo !

We definitely agree that this feature (along with many other features requested in this forum) are both super useful and important. Believe me when I say that we would love to build all these features (we would build them yesterday if we could!)

What we’ve been very careful to do is avoid releasing features that aren’t up to Unity’s standard. We put a lot of thought and carefully look at all the feedback and suggestions from the community when we decide to build and release new features. We do this because, for anything we release, we want to make sure we do it right.

Also, while Unity itself is large, our team (which works specifically on Unity Analytics) is actually not that big - here’s what we look like!

So though it might take some time before you see these features live, please know that the faces above are looking at every forum post, every support request, and every tweet to make sure that we know what we can do to build the best analytics tool for the Unity community :slight_smile:

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Awesome, glad to hear it and look forward to seeing what you guys can do :slight_smile: