Hi, after some time spending & searching I have to give up on this one.
On my player I have a c# script named EnergyDrain.cs
Which as the name implies drains the player energy over x amount of time.
When the player pickup’s an energy boost ( variable ) the player has to gain that amount.
So, coming from an actionscript background. I thought to simply add a function that absorbs the boost and thus adding the amount to the overal energy with a max limit. I might be thinking totally wrong here, hench the error, and my question here.
in the pickup collider script once the collider successfully found the player i toss my picked up energy towards the energyDrain script to add that amount.
With the current script i get the warning “An object reference is required to access non-static member”
I am quite stuck here as why searches doesn’t help me, only confuse me more
Here is the relevant code:
public class pickupObjectsTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject pickupObject; //The object we are picking up
public string pickupObjectName;
public GameObject inventoryObject;
public float energyPower = 10;
void Start ()
if (pickupObject == null)
Debug.LogWarning("No object set for pickup!");
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
if(pickupObject != null && other.CompareTag("Player") && Input.GetButtonDown("Use"))
pickupObject.transform.parent = inventoryObject.transform;
transform.collider.isTrigger = false;
if (pickupObjectName == "energy"){
//other pickups
public class EnergyController : MonoBehaviour {
public float energy = 100f;
public float maxEnergy = 100f;
public float drainspeed;
void Update () {
if(isOn == true){
if(energy > maxEnergy){
energy = maxEnergy;
if (energy <=0)
energy = 0;
} else {
energy -= drainspeed*Time.deltaTime;
public static void ADD_ENERGY(int amount){
energy = Mathf.Clamp(energy+amount, 0, 100);
Thank you for your insight.