Adding y position?

ok i jsut need to move my camera up a few y positions


transform.position.y = transform.position.y +90;

Whats wrong with that? if transform is the camera

You could try a tralslation instead.

transform.Translate(Vector3.up * 90, Space.World);

I assume this is C# code. In C#, you can't modify struct fields on properties directly because properties return a copy of the value. It would make no sense to modify a field on a local copy.

I present two options.

As denewbie says:

transform.Translate(Vector3.up * 90, Space.World); 

And the long hand version:

Vector3 position = transform.position;
position.y += 90;
transform.position = position;

You decide what makes the cleanest solution.

Why you dont easily put

transform.localPosition.y += 90;

Nothing is wrong with it, though you could shorten it by writing

transform.position.y += 90;