Additional info from NavMeshPath

Hello everyone!

Is there a way to get some additional info from NavMeshPath class? Like movement cost (we have remaining distance, that, as far, as I know, does not work with NavMeshLink). Also, why is there a warning for cost lower, than 1? Like I have portals, that should have zero cost for immediate teleportation. Wierd. Is there a way to detect if NavMeshPath corner is on NavMeshLink? I need to calculate the path regarding NavMeshLinks (since it’s about teleportation).

It shouldn’t be hard to make those public, so I hope, this will happen soon.

Thanks :)!

I would second a request for this.

In my turn-based project I often want to know the TotalCost of a Path, at what point along a Path is a specific Cost, etc

Also, I would like to be able to find the points on the Path where it crosses to a new Area (and which Area it is)

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Still an actual issue