I use RayPerceptionSensor2d. I have had some success in learning. But I have a few questions.
I’m not sure, but when ray encounters a detectable object, does it go no further? Judging by Gizmos it doesn’t go any further. So I have to use 3 components of the ray sensor so that the agent sees the wall that is right behind the food?
Even though I looked at https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/08a66c4dc33340f4294643654bbe1dae74ca8ce7/com.unity.ml-agents/Runtime/Sensors/RayPerceptionSensor.cs#L164
but didn’t really understand what kind of observations the Ray Sensor transmits to the python? I need to pass the following observations into python:
- Distance to object.
- The speed of the object (rigidbody2d)
- Weight of the object (rigidbody2d)
How can I do it? I would be very grateful for code examples
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Sensors
public class CustomRayPerceptionOutput : RayPerceptionOutput
public CustomRayPerceptionOutput()
CustomObservationSizePerRay = 3;
public override void GetCustomObservationData(RayOutput rayOutput, float[] buffer)
var rb = rayOutput.HitGameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (rb != null)
buffer[0] = rb.velocity.x;
buffer[1] = rb.velocity.z;
buffer[2] = rb.mass;
/// <summary>
/// A component for Custom 3D Ray Perception.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("ML Agents/Custom Ray Perception Sensor 3D", (int)MenuGroup.Sensors)]
public class RayPerceptionSensorComponentCustom3D : RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D
public override ISensor[] CreateSensors()
var rayPerceptionInput = GetRayPerceptionInput();
var rayPerceptionOutput = new CustomRayPerceptionOutput();
m_RaySensor = new RayPerceptionSensor(SensorName, rayPerceptionInput, rayPerceptionOutput);
if (ObservationStacks != 1)
var stackingSensor = new StackingSensor(m_RaySensor, ObservationStacks);
return new ISensor[] { stackingSensor };
return new ISensor[] { m_RaySensor };
Found this on the internet, if it worked in the project it would be very cool (but it doesn’t work, no methods/fields like this). Who knows, maybe this is a new version? I don’t really want to make a custom raycast when there is already a ready-made solution
And how do I do that, an example would be greatly appreciated. Now I see a solution only to make changes to the package itself, which I do not really want to do for obvious reasons
you need a reference to your perception ray (can pass this like a normal reference or get it with GetComponent etc)
RayPerceptionSensorComponent2D rayPerceptionSensor;
then in your CollectObservations function you can call something like
// Get the ray perception output from the sensor
RayPerceptionOutput rayPerceptionOutput = rayPerceptionSensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput;
var rayOutputs = rayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs;
for (int i = 0; i < rayOutputs.Length; i++)
Debug.Log($"ray {i} hit something ? {rayOutputs[i].HasHit}");
if (rayOutputs[i].HasHit)
Debug.Log($"hit gameobject = {rayOutputs[i].HitGameObject.name}");
so to get the info you asked for you can do something like this
// Get the ray perception output from the sensor
RayPerceptionOutput rayPerceptionOutput = rayPerceptionSensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput;
RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutput[] rayOutputs = rayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs;
for (int i = 0; i < rayOutputs.Length; i++)
Debug.Log($"ray {i} hit something ? {rayOutputs[i].HasHit}");
if (rayOutputs[i].HasHit)
Debug.Log($"hit gameobject = {rayOutputs[i].HitGameObject.name}");
Debug.Log($"hit distance = {rayOutputs[i].HitFraction}");
Rigidbody2D hitRB = rayOutputs[i].HitGameObject.GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody2D>();
if (hitRB)
Debug.Log($"hit velo = {hitRB.velocity}");
Debug.Log($"hit weight = {hitRB.mass}");
(should just be a case of swapping the relevant commands to 3D if required)