Additional observation from RaySensor

you need a reference to your perception ray (can pass this like a normal reference or get it with GetComponent etc)

RayPerceptionSensorComponent2D rayPerceptionSensor;

then in your CollectObservations function you can call something like

// Get the ray perception output from the sensor
      RayPerceptionOutput rayPerceptionOutput = rayPerceptionSensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput;
      var rayOutputs = rayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs;

      for (int i = 0; i < rayOutputs.Length; i++)
        Debug.Log($"ray {i} hit something ? {rayOutputs[i].HasHit}");
        if (rayOutputs[i].HasHit)
          Debug.Log($"hit gameobject = {rayOutputs[i]}");

so to get the info you asked for you can do something like this

// Get the ray perception output from the sensor
      RayPerceptionOutput rayPerceptionOutput = rayPerceptionSensor.RaySensor.RayPerceptionOutput;
      RayPerceptionOutput.RayOutput[] rayOutputs = rayPerceptionOutput.RayOutputs;

      for (int i = 0; i < rayOutputs.Length; i++)
        Debug.Log($"ray {i} hit something ? {rayOutputs[i].HasHit}");
        if (rayOutputs[i].HasHit)
          Debug.Log($"hit gameobject = {rayOutputs[i]}");
          Debug.Log($"hit distance = {rayOutputs[i].HitFraction}");
          Rigidbody2D hitRB = rayOutputs[i].HitGameObject.GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody2D>();
          if (hitRB)
            Debug.Log($"hit velo = {hitRB.velocity}");
            Debug.Log($"hit weight = {hitRB.mass}");

(should just be a case of swapping the relevant commands to 3D if required)