hi everybody
I want additive a rest .unity3d file into my scene from internet,how can i do for this,and whether unity2.1 can support this function ,thanks very much.
Sorry, what exactly are you looking for? Do you want to stream the rest of the .unity3d file so it starts faster in the browser? Or load other portions without losing previous parts? Have a look at LoadLevelAdditive and see if that is part of what you’re after.
Edit: Have a look at the Asset Bundles example project as well, should be helpful.
oh sorry
I have little English,I really want add a rest .unity3d file into my present scene(like a model that it is a .unity3d file into my scene use it`s internet address),you have know what can i do for this ,thanks!!
whether Asset Bundles can support in trail version?
AssetBundles are exactly what you want. Have a look at the documentation for WWW.assetBundle and the AssetBundle class.
The trial version give you the same abilities as the full Indie version, so yes, AssetBundles are supported in the trial.
thanks to CoherentInk!!
give me my regard!