AddListener to a Toggle.

Hello. I would like to attach a listener to checkbox:

void Start () 
   GameObject cb1 = (GameObject)Instantiate(cbPrefab);

   Toggle t = cb1.GetComponent<Toggle>();
   t.onValueChanged.AddListener(() => handleCheckbox(value)); **error here**

void handleCheckbox(bool value)
   print("handleCheckbox. value=" + value);

The compile error that I get is:

error CS1593: Delegate `UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction<bool>' does not take `0' arguments

Could somebody help me to fix this? Thanks!

t.onValueChanged.AddListener ( (value) => { // you are missing this
handleCheckbox(value); // this is just a basic method call within another method
} // and this one
); // closing the AddListener method parameter