Addresable bundles do not get uploaded on CCD or the game does not read updated bundles from CCD.


I plan to use addresables to provide new levels to my game without needing the user to install new APK versions.

I have prepared the addresables bundles (see image below for their settings) and uploaded them to CCD dashboard using Unity’s built in conectivity. Through the dashboard I see them uploaded included the bin, hash and json files needed for content updates.
Then I make a change (change a single variable on a scriptable object) and press the update a previous build button.

The problem is when I boot up the game on my phone to test the update doesn’t show. I searched around, tried various solutions and none of them work. What part of the process do I do wrong?

Hi ptraback,
here are the images reuploaded.

My understanding is that you made a change in a script? And when you push that change through the script modification doesn’t show up? If this is the case CCD is not meant to push through script changes. Since the compiler would need to re-run on the editor to incorporate those script changes.

May I suggest looking at Cloud code and Remote config for changing scripting logic with CCD

No, I did not make change to a script

I changed the Number of levels value.
The idea is that the game reads that values and spawns the appropriate number of level select buttons (which will increase as I make more levels).

If I’m reading OP correctly, he only changed a variable on a ScriptableObject (i.e. a SerializedVariable).
That should still work fine with Addressables.

@OP; are you getting any logs?

No. How do I get logs in the android device?

Use ADB:

or use an asset, such as In-game Debug Console | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store

After some testing and experimentation I can say for certain that after the game downloads and caches a version of the bundles, it uses only the cached version without checking if they are any new versions of the bundles to download.

Correct me if I’m mistaken but don’t the addresables automatically check and download any bundles that have been altered?

After a lot of seraching around + updating my addresable package I keep getting these errors every time I press “Build to CCD → update a previous build”

Hi ptrabak,

just trying to help, I have been struggling with “Build to CCD” for the last 2 days.

I always got this error, when the file was not actually uploaded in the bucket, or the URL was not matching.

I have experienced issues, where only the catalog.json, catalog.hash and addressables_content_state.bin + standard shader bundle was uploaded to the bucket using the “Build to CCD” function. The Default Local Group (Build & Load set to remote) was not uploaded (the upload was silently failing)

Changing the Bundle Mode to “Pack Together” on my Default Local Group caused the upload to fail with an upload error.

I could resolve this issue by:

  1. splitting my addressable groups up manually to make them smaller but also by type
  2. set all the new groups up in the same way → Build & Load Paths to Remote
  3. Change the Bundle Mode setting in the Addressable Group Settings to “Pack Together” (default is “Pack Separately”)