The following error message is displayed when test play of the game is started.
InvalidOperationException: Unable to build with the current configuration, please check the Build Settings.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)
SBP ErrorException
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
In my project Addressable there is only one group where assets are registered.
If I unregister all assets in that group and then run a test play of the game, I can start it without any errors.
If I register any new assets to the group, I will not be able to start test-playing the game again.
If no assets are registered to the group, it is possible to build and test-play Addressable.
If I register any assets to the group, it will not be possible to build Addressable and test play will not be possible.
Errors that occur when the build of Addressable fails are as follows.
InvalidOperationException: Unable to build with the current configuration, please check the Build Settings.
UnityEditor.GenericMenu:CatchMenu(Object, String[], Int32)
SBP ErrorException
UnityEditor.GenericMenu:CatchMenu (object,string[],int)
Addressable content build failure (duration : 0:00:00.09)
UnityEditor.GenericMenu:CatchMenu (object,string[],int)
Deleting the Addressable folder, re-installing Addressable with the latest version and generating a new configuration does not change the symptoms.
The version of Unity is 2022.3.10f.1.
Updating the Unity version to 2022.3.12f.1 does not change the symptoms.
Help me.