Hi! I created a bug report for this below, but I was wondering if there was possibly something that I’m doing wrong/if the Addressable Profiler is meant to work with remote assets? Right now, it doesn’t seem to work at all, for Unity 2022.3.13f1, Addressables 1.21.19 (and the latest Core Profiler package):
- I have “Build Remote Catalog” checked in Addressable Asset Settings
- I have set the “Build and Load paths” to “Remote” on the asset group I’m loading in
- I have a remote path set for the Addressable Profile in use.
- I’m hosting the remote catalog via the Addressable Hosting editor window/tool (HttpHostingService).
When the addressable loads in, however, the Profiler → Addressable Assets timeline breaks with a stream of KeyNotFoundErrors in UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Diagnostics.AddressablesProfilerDetailsView.GetAssetDataForFrameData, and no data populates for the frame view:
When we build the same groups/catalog but for local distribution, the profiler works correctly and I’m able to see profiler data for player. The profiler window also indicates that the bundle was sourced from Local, so presumably, this tool was designed to work with remotely loaded assets, as well?
Let me know if you have any ideas, or if I can get any more info that would be helpful.